Gadamer’s Ethics of Play: 8 Quotations

Vilhauer, M. 2017. Gadamer’s Ethics of Play: Hermeneutics and the Other. Plymouth: Lexington.

  1. ‘Play… is something fundamentally larger than the individual player or their mental state; it is a pattern of movement that surpasses both the players, and is something to which both players belong.’ (p32)
  1. ‘“In order for there to be a game, there always has to be, not necessarily literally another player, but something else with which the player plays and which automatically responds to his move with a countermove. Ball games will be with us forever because the ball is freely mobile in every direction, appearing to do surprising things of its own accord.”’ (p33)
  1. ‘Play is less of a thing a person does, and more of a thing done to them – or, better, an event in which one becomes caught-up. “All playing is a being-played… the game masters the players”.’ (p35)
  1. “Seriousness in playing is necessary to make the play wholly play. Someone who doesn’t take the game seriously [as in – ‘it’s just a game’] is a spoilsport.” (p35)
  1. ‘…in every artistic presentation there exists an articulation of our reality… or of some subject matter… highlighting certain aspects of a thing, leaving others out [so that] “the being of the representation is more than the being of the thing represented”.’ (p37)
  1. ‘When one accomplishes the task of becoming “caught up” in the performance [or work of art], one reaches a state of… “being outside oneself”… [which] in a very basic way means opening yourself up to something “other” than yourself and allowing it to affect you.’ (p39)
  1. ‘Representing and imitating are themselves modes of knowing, and our recognition of what the other knows and shows us… is a way of joining in on that knowing.’ (p41)
  1. ‘As an interpretation, articulation, and meaningful presentation of something… the picture exists as something unique in itself and, thus, has its own being.’ (p43)
