PT 110: Lesson 1: Getting Started: Review and Discussion Questions

  1. How can you sign in to your Avid master account when starting work in Pro Tools? What is required to sign in to your account? From the Dashboard. You’ll need an Internet connection, an AVID account, username and password
  2. Why is it important to select the audio interface you want to use prior to creating or opening the session? What dialog box can you use for this purpose? If you subsequently change this it will require ProTools to close and reopen. Setup -> Playback Engine dialog box.
  3. What is the H/W buffer size setting in the playback engine dialogue box used for? What kinds of tracks are affected by this setting? It determines the number of samples pass from the audio interface to the CPU at one time. The lower the buffer size, the faster samples are passed to the CPU – low buffer sizes minimise latency, at the cost of limiting the processing power, which takes resources from other CPU tasks (e.g. plug-in processing) It only affects tracks using the low latency processing domain – native (PT) plugin processing on record-enabled Audio tracks (also when audio tracks are TrackInput Monitor Mode enabled), Auxiliary and Instrument tracks
  4. What dialog box can you use to access the available options for your connected audio interface? Setup -> Hardware setup
  5. How can you specify which I/O settings on Pro Tools will use when creating a new session from the dashboard? By using the Dashboard I/O settings drop down menu
  6. Where are changes to Pro Tools I/O settings saved? Are they stored in the session or on the system? User/documents/Pro Tools/I/O settings. i.e. on the system
  7. What dialog box can you use to rename signal paths? Setup > I/O Setup dialogue box
  8. How can you configure an Audition Path in Pro Tools? I/O Setup dialogue box >Audition Path drop-down menu
  9. What are some ways to open recently used project or session on a system? Dashboard > Recent projects. File > Open Recent
  10. What shortcut operation can you use to add an individual audio track to your session? cmd+double click. (Instrument: opt+double click, Aux : ctrl+double click, Master: shift+double click)
  11. What options are available for changing the display of the Mix and Edit windows? What are some of the optional views available in each window? View -> Narrow mix, Rulers, Track Number, Expanded Sends. Mix: Preamps, Inserts A-E, F-J, Sends A-E, F-J, EQ, I/O, Meters and Faders, Delay Compensation, Comments, Track Colour. Edit (as Mix): plus Real-Time properties (no Delay Compensation)
  12. How can you easily show or hide tracks? What is the difference between hiding a track and deleting a track? Track List. Hiding a track makes it not viewable in Edit/ Mix window – it still exists in the session project. Delete removes track from the session
  13. What are some options available in the Track List pop-up menu? Show, Hide, Sort