PT 110: Lesson 2: Managing Session Data and Media Files: Review and Discussion Questions

  1. What are some of the features enabled by Pro Tools | Ultimate software? Full surround mixing capabilities (up to 7.1.2 Dolby Atmos), advanced automation, and video editing features
  2. What is required to import and arrange multiple video clips on the video track? ProTools | Ultimate. ProTools standard only allows a single video clip
  3. Name some areas of focus available for Workspace browsers in Pro Tools. Sound libraries, Volumes, Session, Track presets, Catalogues (user created file collections) and User locations
  4. What are some of the functions that you can perform using a Workspace browser? Search files, audition audio files, use elastic audio to hear audio in the context of session tempo, and drag-and-drop files into an open session
  5. How can you audition files from the browser? How can you audition them in context with your session? Using spacebar (if that option has been selected in the workspace browser pop-up menu) or clicking PREVIEW in the browser toolbar or the PLAY icon to the left of a waveform display. Enabling Audio files conform to session tempo button (metronome) in the browser toolbar. (Right click on the metronome icon to select the appropriate Elastic Audio processor). Place the insertion point in the session at the location you want to preview the file. These previous steps enable you to preview audio files at the tempo of the project. To preview in context, do the above, activate playback of your session by pressing zero key on numeric keypad and activate preview using any of the audition methods previously described.
  6. What is Soundbase? What are tags in Soundbase? A workspace browser window that allows you to find audio files using tags. Tags are descriptive labels that are saved as meta-data (file properties) within an audio file.
  7. What are some available destinations when importing audio from a Workspace browser or Soundbase? The Timeline, a Track, the Track list or the Clip List
  8. What are some of the different types of media you can import into Pro Tools (in addition to audio files)? MIDI, video, Clip Groups, Track presets, IO settings, Session Data
  9. What command allows you to import entire tracks from another ProTools session into your current session? FILE > IMPORT > SESSION DATA. Shortcut: option+shift+I (cmd+shift+I import audio, cmd-opt+I import MIDI)
  10. What types of clips can be grouped together as a clip group? Can clips of different types be combined into a single clip group? Audio, MIDI and video. Yes – different types can be combined into a single clip group. Shortcut to create Clip group opt+cmd+G
  11. How many clips are required for a clip group? Can clip groups contain silence? There is no minimum. Yes – clip groups can contain silence.
  12. What kind of icon is used to indicate a clip group? Where is the icon located? There are different kinds of icons for different types of clip groups (Audio, MIDI, Video, Non-contiguous, and Mixed Multitrack). These icons are displayed at the bottom left of the clip.
  13. What do the UnGroup and UnGroup All commands do? How would you go about re-assembling a clip group after using one of these commands? Ungroup ungroups clip groups and when used on nested clip groups it operates in layers. Ungroup All ungroups all nested Clip Groups simultaneously. CLIP > UNGROUP or Shortcut to Ungroup opt+cmd+U. A clip group can be reassembled using the REGROUP command. CLIP > REGROUP or shortcut opt+cmd+R.