PT 110: Lesson 6: Fine Tuning a Performance: Review and Discussion Questions

  1. What functions are available with the Smart Tool? How can you access the Selector with the Smart Tool active? How can you access the Grabber? Trim, Selector, Grabber. Selector – Position the cursor in the upper half of the clip not near a clip boundary. Grabber – Position the cursor in the lower half of the clip not near a clip boundary. (Shortcuts SmartTool (f6+f7 or +f8). Zoom (f5), Trim (f6), Selector (f7), Grabber (f8), Scrub (f9), Pencil (f10)
  2. How can you create fades with the Smart Tool? How can you specify the fade curves that the Smart Tool applies? The cursor in the top quarter of a clip, and within 12 pixels of a clip boundary. Fade In: Place the cursor near a clip start boundary, close to the top and drag right. Fade Out: place the cursor near a clip boundary, close to the top and drag left. Crossfade: Place the cursor near a clip boundary, close to the bottom of two adjacent clips, and drag left or right. Fade Curves: SETUP > PREFERENCES> EDITING tab > Fades section
  3. What menu command would you choose to open a Fades dialogue box? What is the associated keyboard shortcut? EDIT > FADES > CREATE. cmd+F
  4. What are some options for previewing crossfades in the Fades dialog box? View First / Left Channel, View Second / Right Channel, View Both. Fade Curves Only, Fade Curves and Separate Waveforms, Fade Curves and Superimposed Waveforms, Fade Curves and Summed Waveforms. nb/ Equal Power slope is best for two different types of material, while Equal Gain is best across similar sounds
  5. What are some options for saving and recalling Fade shapes or configurations in the Fades dialogue box? Save: Librarian menu > SAVE SETTINGS AS. Recall: Click on the Fade preset number, ctrl + preset number, librarian menu.
  6. What operations can you use to edit existing Fades on a track playlist? 1. Fades Dialog box: Double click on the Fade graphic with the Grabber, modify the settings in the dialogue box and click OK. 2. Right Click on the Fade graphic, select FADES from pop-up menu. 3. Keyboard Command: Select the Fade graphic with the Grabber or Selector opt-ctrl+ L or R arrow, 4. Smart Tool
  7. What is the purpose of the Quantise function in Pro Tools? What are some different ways to apply quantisation? To correct or modify the timing of material. 1. Using Input Quantise. EVENT > EVENT OPERATIONS > INPUT QUANTISE > ENABLE INPUT QUANTISE 2.Quantising existing MIDI Data: Make a selection – EVENT > EVENT OPERATIONS > QUANTISE (or opt+0) 3. Quantising existing Audio clips: Select the audio clips in the Edit window EVENT > EVENT OPERATIONS > QUANTISE > Audio Clips or Elastic Audio Events
  8. What is the purpose of quantising audio clips? How is this different from quantising Elastic Audio? To time align audio. It adjusts audio clip start times (or Sync points). When used with Elastic Audio, quantisation adjusts the location of detected transient events
  9. What feature let you apply changes to a MIDI performance without permanently altering the underlying MIDI data on a track? MIDI Merge.
  10. What types of tracks and clips are affected by Real–Time Properties? MIDI and Instrument.
  11. What are some of the differences between the Real–Time Properties view in the Edit window and the Real–Time Properties floating window? Which allows you to apply clip-based Real–Time Properties? VIEW > EDIT WINDOWS VIEW > REAL-TIME PROPERTIES. 1. In the Edit window Real-time Properties are applied to a whole track, while with the floating window these can be applied to either a whole track, or to selected clips. 2. The Floating window also offers expanded real-time property settings