Sound Art in China
Ancient China: Expanded Sound Art?

Echo Wall at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing: Why was this built? Were its sonic properties designed or discovered once it had been constructed?
Unique Music of Great Antiquity: 千古絕響:曾侯乙編鐘之聲 (Unique Music of Great Antiquity: Chime Bell Unearthed from the Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng State, about 433 B.C.)
Modern Context: Between Spaces, Hidden Traditions
2003 China: The Sonic Avant-Garde. CD release by US label (Berkeley, Calif – since defunct?) Discogs page
Critical Reflection
Conclusion / Future Work
phenomenology: “Phenomenology is a philosophy of experience. For phenomenology the ultimate source of all meaning and value is the lived experience of human beings. All philosophical systems, scientific theories, or aesthetic judgments have the status of abstractions from the ebb and flow of the lived world. The task of the philosopher, according to phenomenology, is to describe the structures of experience, in particular consciousness, the imagination, relations with other persons, and the situatedness of the human subject in society and history.”
Accessed Nov 1st 2021 from,subject%20in%20society%20and%20history.
Giraud, V, Jacquet, B . Eds (2012) From the things themselves : architecture and phenomenology. Kyoto : Kyoto University Press.
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