20 May – Robin Buckley

Bio: As an artist and musician, rkss (Robin Buckley) takes a critical approach to music with their experimental productions, using sound as a series of gestures to explore complex socio-political issues by working with and pushing against social contexts.

Their releases Brostep in the Style of Florian Hecker and DJ Tools (UIQ) – named one of Pitchfork’s experimental albums of the year – resist categorisation while questioning established hierarchies within electronic music.

Robin has recently performed at the ICA, Mutek Montréal, Stroom Den Haag, Sonic Acts, Mutek Argentina, Café OTO, Schiev Festival and LUFF Festival. As a theorist, Robin has delivered lectures on their ideas about the political and social contexts of music at the Tate, Goldsmiths College, University of London and as part of the New Contemporaries at the South London Gallery.

As a visiting lecturer they have delivered lectures and seminars as part of the BA Fine Art course at Central Saint Martins and they have contributed to the International Computer Music Association’s journal ARRAY. somersethouse.org.uk/residents/rkss

My question:

My reflection: