PT 110: Lesson 9: Writing and Editing Automation: Review and Discussion Questions

  1. What are some of the parameters that you can automate in ProTools? 1. Track Controls (Volume, Pan, Mute for Audio, MIDI, Instrument and Aux and Master Fader volumes. 2. Send Controls (Send Volume, Send Pan, Pan Mute) 3. All plug-in controls
  2. What are some of the differences between MIDI continuous control data and ProTools audio automation? What kind of tracks can ProTools audio automation be used on? MIDI: CC automation data is stored within the associated MIDI clip. Audio: although an audio track can have multiple alternate playlists (See Lesson three) an Audio track’s single automation playlist applies to all playlists on a track. Audio automation is used for Audio and Auxiliary track – it offers significantly higher resolution than MIDI CC automation.
  3. What selector can you use to set the automation mode for a track? Where is this selector located? Automation mode selector available in both the Mix and Edit windows.
  4. What is the difference between the Write, Touch, and Latch automation modes? 1. Write: Automation starts writing for all enable parameters when playback starts, overwriting any previous automation data. Writing stops for all parameters when playback stops. 2. Touch: Automation starts writing when an enabled parameter is being modified. Modified parameters only write automation while being held. Writing stops when modified parameters are released – the parameter returns to the previously automated value. 3. Latch: Automation starts writing when an enabled parameter is being modified. Modified parameters continue writing after being released. Writing stops for all modified parameters when playback stops.
  5. When might you suspend automation? What is the difference between the Suspend button and the Write Enable buttons? To obtain hands on control of parameters for an unfamiliar session. Suspend: Suspends all writing and playing of automation for all tracks. Write Enable: Toggles writing of corresponding automation across session, has no effect on automation playback. WINDOW > AUTOMATION, cmd+4 (alphanumeric)
  6. What are the advantages of using Touch or Latch mode over using Write mode? In what scenarios would you use Latch mode? When would it make more sense to use Touch mode instead? Both Touch and Latch only write automation to parameters that are changed allowing you to be more selective. Latch: to set a parameter over long sections of a mix – perhaps useful for an initial automation pass. Touch: to touch up small sections of existing automation
  7. What are two ways to display an automation playlist in the Edit window? 1. TRACK VIEW SELECTOR 2. SHOW / HIDE LANES
  8. What are some common automation graphs that you may work with? How might automation graphs be different for different types of parameters, with respect to the available vertical positions? Audio (top to bottom): Volume graph (-INF to +12db) Mute graph (Mute / Not Muted), Pan (<100 to 100>), Send (Level, Mute, Pan) MIDI (0-127) (top to bottom): Velocity, MIDI Volume, MIDI Mute. MIDI Pan, Pitch bend, Aftertouch, Program change, SysEx, Controllers.
  9. What are some ways that the Grabber tool can be used to edit an automation playlist? How would you go about nudging automation break points? Click to create a break point. Drag up or down change the dB value, drag left or right adjust timing. opt-click: delete breakpoint. Select breakpoint(s) > choose nudge increment from the NUDGE VALUE POP-UP MENU in the Edit window toolbar: +/- alphanumeric
  10. What are some ways of the Pencil tool can be used to edit an automation playlist? Freehand, Line, Triangle, Square, Random (not Parabolic or S-curve)
  11. How is cutting automation data different from deleting automation data? Cut adds break points at the start and end of a selection, while the delete key will not
  12. What will be the result if you copy automation (Edit > Copy) from a track displaying Volume automation and paste it (Edit > Paste) on a track displaying Pan automation? Automation data pasted to the same automation graph that it originated from, even if the corresponding automation graph is not currently displayed on the target track.
  13. How would you go about duplicating the volume automation for a track onto Send B for the track? PASTE SPECIAL MODE
  14. How can you delete individual breakpoints in an automation graph? How can you delete a range of automation break points? 1. Grabber opt-click. 2. Select range >Delete
  15. How can you clear all automation on a displayed automation graph? What modifier can you use to clear all automation for a track? Triple click on the automation graph (or cmd+A (Select All) > Delete (ctrl+Delete to delete ALL automation on all automation playlists on the track(s) in the selected range). To clear automation from multiple tracks extend the selection across all of the target tracks. In such a case be sure that each track is displaying an automation graph