Introduction Summary Questions Critical Reflections Conclusions / Future Work References

“Philosophy thus traditionally practices a critique of knowledge which is simultaneously a denegation of knowledge (i.e., of the class struggle). Its position can be described…

The session has without doubt being the most informative, revealing and helpful of the entire unit. It’s not to say that other classes have not…

Vilhauer, M. 2017. Gadamer’s Ethics of Play: Hermeneutics and the Other. Plymouth: Lexington. ‘Play… is something fundamentally larger than the individual player or their mental…

The initial engagement with the concept of “play” and “event” landed very well with me. My own personal practice, and that of many of my…

Butler, R.A. (1999) The Unfolding of an Auditory Illusion. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Volume 42, Number 2, Winter 1999, pp. 157-173 Bregman, (1991) Auditory…

To what extent are individuals personally responsible for their success? What is the justification for some people earning more than others? What does ‘social solidarity’…

Rancière argues against the progressive temporality of pedagogic relations and provides an alternative thesis that equality is a point of departure for social and pedagogic…

The first insight provided by Dall’Alba’s text is in the pedagogical relationship and integration of knowing, acting and being. This has a special relevance to…

This first follow-up post focuses on the presentation given by Professor James Wisdom on the topic of The context of UK Higher Education 2021 as…

My experience. My audio My reflection. This sound here is good / bad / awful… I will / won’t / might use it for…

https://www.pacegallery.com/ When I read the text about this exhibition, what is my response? Are AI and data surveillance interesting to me? Is it relevant to…