Arrange and carry out an interview with a classmate, housemate, friend, family member on the topic of music, sound, listening and so on. Record this,…

Based upon Small’s application of Geertzian “thick description” as explained in class write an account of a sonic experience you have had. e.g a concert,…

DJ Kampire, an essential figure of the music scene in Uganda and East Africa https://www.africalia.be/en/News-and-press/DJ-Kampire-an-essential-figure-of-the-music-scene-in-Uganda-and-East-Africa-en?lang=en DJ Rachael : Afro Genics the future of Electronic East African…

Initial Context Review https://www.aiva.ai/ The Artificial Intelligence composing emotional soundtrack music https://www.ampermusic.com/ Drive emotion with Amper AI. Jean-Pierre Briot ,1 Gaetan Hadjeres and Francois-David Pachet ….

Knowledge – Process – Enquiry – Communication https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.1201/9781003051985/programming-media-art-using-processing-margaret-noble

In contemporary music discourse, form is defined as the overall structure of a concert work, the ‘constructive organising element’ (Whitall 2014) that‘[governs] the presentation, development,…

My experience. My audio My reflection. This sound here is good / bad / awful… I will / won’t / might use it for…

https://www.pacegallery.com/ When I read the text about this exhibition, what is my response? Are AI and data surveillance interesting to me? Is it relevant to…